Monday 14 September 2015

The Most Awaited Game of the Year-Dota International 2

                       The Most Awaited Game of the Year-Dota International 2
Like you, every person has an imaginary outlet, an outlet through which he sneaks into the world of his own imaginations, where he can make everything the way he wants it to be. This outlet is the way to freedom, excitement, adventure and fun and if luckily, in real life, something offers you all this at once: you simply go crazy for it. Now, for all individuals out there who have a lot of interest in games, dota2 game is actually something like that. People are already saying it to be the game of the youth.

What Is Dota?
Dota stands for defense of the ancients, it is a video game developed by Valve Corporation. The game is about two teams who fight and destroy each other to achieve their given targets: getting hold of ancient places. After the ultimate popularity of dota game1, the organization has decided to release dota 2 this year. The news of dota 2 international games has thrilled the game lovers as they all are anxiously looking forward to dota 2 2015 finals to know how the game goes.
What’s So Special about Dota 2?
What is so special about dota 2? If you are have the same question like thousand others, then your answer lies here.
Game Mechanics Designed By IceFrog
Unlike dota 1, this time the game mechanics is designed by IceFrog which has tried its best to make game look as real as possible.
Amazing Source Engine
Dota 2 has an amazing source engine; one which is no doubt the best.
Up to Your Expectations
Although, dota 1 was a great success yet there were some shortcomings in graphics field etc. But not this time as in dota 2, the developers made sure that the game turns out to be perfect in terms of mechanical issues. Thus, dota 2 is up to your expectations.
Change in Design
The next thing which distincts dota 2 from dota is the change in design of the dashboard and other features like custom gates etc. this change really makes a great difference.
Addition of New Heroes
Another amazing thing about dota 2 is the addition of new heroes in the game. It means the players are now offered a wide range of heroes to select from. All the heroes have different strengths and are programmed for handling difficult situations, if used well.
Guides for Beginners
For all the beginners, game developers offer guides to understand the rules and regulations. In addition, these guides are useful to know how to use dashboard effectively.
Monitoring Systems
The players can also access the monitoring systems in order to check their performance. These monitoring systems are particularly designed for the players who are looking forward to participate in the game.
Thus, dota 2 is far more special than dota 1. The players are going to have tough time playing it. It also means that dota 2online tournament 2015 finals are going to be breath taking. So, what are you waiting for? If you are a player, go get prepared as you are going to have some tough time and if, you are a dota lover; charge your laptops so you cannot miss the live streaming.

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